
Hey Storytellers, It's Time to Revolutionize Your Writing in 2024!

Welcome to the future of fiction writing! Imagine having a ChatGPT buddy who knows your story inside out. That's exactly what you'll get in our latest and greatest course: "AI-Powered Fiction: Craft Amazing Novels with ChatGPT." It's like having a coffee chat with AI about your novel, but even better.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this course:

  • Got Writer’s Block? Wave goodbye to it! With AI, you'll find ideas flowing like a never-ending stream.

  • Plot Twists and Turns? You'll master the art of crafting gripping stories with structures like the Hero’s Journey and our 24-chapter blueprint, all with a little help from your AI pal.

  • Characters That Feel Real? Absolutely! Dive deep into their psyches and bring them to life in ways you never thought possible.

  • Dialogue That Pops: Learn how to mix your unique voice with AI’s savvy to create conversations that leap off the page.

What's Super Cool in 2024?

You'll create your very own ChatGPT bot! No coding is required. This isn't just any bot – it's one that's been custom-made by you for your unique story. It's like having a secret weapon in your writing toolkit, giving you a creative edge that's just plain awesome.

Meet Your Storytelling Guide: Michael Wood, M.Ed., M.S.

  • Your Personal Storytelling Guru: Michael's not just an instructor; he's your guide on this exciting journey. With a rich background in English literature and a passion for fiction, he’s the real deal.

  • Experience Galore: From public school teaching to navigating the adventures of being an Army veteran, Michael brings a treasure trove of experiences to the table.

  • Your Writing Coach and Cheerleader: He’s here to share his wisdom, offer practical tips, and cheer you on every step of the way. Think of Michael as your personal writing coach.

Why You’ll Love This Course:

  • Perfect for All Levels: Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned pro, there’s something here for everyone.

  • Fun, Hands-On Learning: With exercises and a super handy workbook, you'll be applying what you learn in no time.

  • A Community of Fellow Writers: Join the club! You'll be part of a group of like-minded souls, all on this exciting writing journey.

Ready to jump in?

Join us in "AI-Powered Fiction: Craft Amazing Novels with ChatGPT" and let's make your writing dreams come true with a little help from AI. Can't wait to see you there!


Hey Storytellers, It's Time to Revolutionize Your Writing in 2024!

Welcome to the future of fiction writing! Imagine having a ChatGPT buddy who knows your story inside out. That's exactly what you'll get in our latest and greatest course: "AI-Powered Fiction: Craft Amazing Novels with ChatGPT." It's like having a coffee chat with AI about your novel, but even better.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this course:

  • Got Writer’s Block? Wave goodbye to it! With AI, you'll find ideas flowing like a never-ending stream.

  • Plot Twists and Turns? You'll master the art of crafting gripping stories with structures like the Hero’s Journey and our 24-chapter blueprint, all with a little help from your AI pal.

  • Characters That Feel Real? Absolutely! Dive deep into their psyches and bring them to life in ways you never thought possible.

  • Dialogue That Pops: Learn how to mix your unique voice with AI’s savvy to create conversations that leap off the page.

What's Super Cool in 2024?

You'll create your very own ChatGPT bot! No coding is required. This isn't just any bot – it's one that's been custom-made by you for your unique story. It's like having a secret weapon in your writing toolkit, giving you a creative edge that's just plain awesome.

Meet Your Storytelling Guide: Michael Wood, M.Ed., M.S.

  • Your Personal Storytelling Guru: Michael's not just an instructor; he's your guide on this exciting journey. With a rich background in English literature and a passion for fiction, he’s the real deal.

  • Experience Galore: From public school teaching to navigating the adventures of being an Army veteran, Michael brings a treasure trove of experiences to the table.

  • Your Writing Coach and Cheerleader: He’s here to share his wisdom, offer practical tips, and cheer you on every step of the way. Think of Michael as your personal writing coach.

Why You’ll Love This Course:

  • Perfect for All Levels: Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned pro, there’s something here for everyone.

  • Fun, Hands-On Learning: With exercises and a super handy workbook, you'll be applying what you learn in no time.

  • A Community of Fellow Writers: Join the club! You'll be part of a group of like-minded souls, all on this exciting writing journey.

Ready to jump in?

Join us in "AI-Powered Fiction: Craft Amazing Novels with ChatGPT" and let's make your writing dreams come true with a little help from AI. Can't wait to see you there!

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Master The Magic of AI Writing with This Immersive Writing with ChatGPT Course. Get over your writer's block and reignite your creative writing skills today!

In this course, you will discover the true power of ChatGPT by learning how to write marketing ad copies, reports, presentation scripts, SEO meta descriptions, social media captions, short stories, poetry, novels, apology letters, and even legal templates.

Most Importantly, this course will teach you the best practices for writing with ChatGPT, including writing prompts that work best, crafting intelligent follow-up messages and training ChatGPT to write in your desired style.

Finally, this course will demonstrate every step of AI writing to ensure that you can understand the concepts and improve your skills in both Academic and Marketing Writing.

Improve your writing skills with ChatGPT, your AI Writing Companion! Join Today and Get Lifetime Access!

This course is divided into the following sections:

  1. Signing Up: We will guide you through the registration process and help you start writing with ChatGPT by showing you how to navigate ChatGPT's user interface.

  2. Writing with ChatGPT: In this section, you will learn how to use ChatGPT to write adventure stories for kids, create copyright templates, write professional emails, cover letters, resumes, and more.

  3. ChatGPT for Academic Writing: This section will teach you how to use ChatGPT to excel your academic writing and build killer presentation slides

  4. ChatGPT for Marketing Writing: This section offers everything you need to create compelling and effective social media posts that drive engagement, boost your brand, and connect with your target audience.

  5. Writing Prompts: Improve your writing skills with prompt writing guidelines and examples.

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Master The Magic of AI Writing with This Immersive Writing with ChatGPT Course. Get over your writer's block and reignite your creative writing skills today!

In this course, you will discover the true power of ChatGPT by learning how to write marketing ad copies, reports, presentation scripts, SEO meta descriptions, social media captions, short stories, poetry, novels, apology letters, and even legal templates.

Most Importantly, this course will teach you the best practices for writing with ChatGPT, including writing prompts that work best, crafting intelligent follow-up messages and training ChatGPT to write in your desired style.

Finally, this course will demonstrate every step of AI writing to ensure that you can understand the concepts and improve your skills in both Academic and Marketing Writing.

Improve your writing skills with ChatGPT, your AI Writing Companion! Join Today and Get Lifetime Access!

This course is divided into the following sections:

  1. Signing Up: We will guide you through the registration process and help you start writing with ChatGPT by showing you how to navigate ChatGPT's user interface.

  2. Writing with ChatGPT: In this section, you will learn how to use ChatGPT to write adventure stories for kids, create copyright templates, write professional emails, cover letters, resumes, and more.

  3. ChatGPT for Academic Writing: This section will teach you how to use ChatGPT to excel your academic writing and build killer presentation slides

  4. ChatGPT for Marketing Writing: This section offers everything you need to create compelling and effective social media posts that drive engagement, boost your brand, and connect with your target audience.

  5. Writing Prompts: Improve your writing skills with prompt writing guidelines and examples.


This course is designed to help you understand how to use AI to improve your writing process.

From idea generation to presenting ideas to the industry, you’ll learn how to use AI to test ideas, give notes, bring characters to life, challenge assumptions, suggest alternatives, keep your writing fresh, and remove the hassle of pitches and emails.

With practical tips and real-world examples, you’ll understand how to use AI to write better scripts and improve your chances of success in the industry.

Your tutor, Stephen Follows, is a highly-regarded film industry analyst, screenwriter and expert in using AI to help screenwriters. He has a development deal (on WGA terms) with a working producer and is the co-host of the 'Authored by AI' podcast.

No experience is needed – we’ll take you right from “What is AI?” through to empowering you to use it in your writing the same day.

  • Spark ideas. AI can help generate an endless supply of ideas for you to evaluate and develop, allowing you to stay in control and find the perfect seed of an idea for your project.

  • Give notes. AIs are much better at providing insightful feedback than they are at actually screenwriting. So take advantage of this first-pass script editor to give you notes on your work and suggest areas for redrafting.

  • Bring to life. You can imbue the AI with the features of your characters and engage them in conversation. The AI won’t write them as well as you, but they will add a dimension of reality as you chat with your creations.

  • Challenge assumptions. AIs can provide new points of view, highlight plot holes and free you from pigeonholes you didn't even know you’re in.

  • Suggest alternatives. AIs can generate a range of options for a given scene, so you can pick the best one and move on - no more spending hours in the writer’s room trying to come up with a better idea.

  • Keep it fresh. AIs can suggest ways of subverting expectations and providing new aspects to well told stories. These notes and ideas will help speed up the process of ensuring your writing is always unique and fresh.

  • Remove hassle. Many writers struggle with writing pithy pitches, tasty taglines or even enthusiastic emails to industry executives. Whatever parts of the process you don’t enjoy can be offloaded to AI for a first draft.

The course includes ready-made AI instructions that you can copy and paste in order to use straight away.


This course is designed to help you understand how to use AI to improve your writing process.

From idea generation to presenting ideas to the industry, you’ll learn how to use AI to test ideas, give notes, bring characters to life, challenge assumptions, suggest alternatives, keep your writing fresh, and remove the hassle of pitches and emails.

With practical tips and real-world examples, you’ll understand how to use AI to write better scripts and improve your chances of success in the industry.

Your tutor, Stephen Follows, is a highly-regarded film industry analyst, screenwriter and expert in using AI to help screenwriters. He has a development deal (on WGA terms) with a working producer and is the co-host of the 'Authored by AI' podcast.

No experience is needed – we’ll take you right from “What is AI?” through to empowering you to use it in your writing the same day.

  • Spark ideas. AI can help generate an endless supply of ideas for you to evaluate and develop, allowing you to stay in control and find the perfect seed of an idea for your project.

  • Give notes. AIs are much better at providing insightful feedback than they are at actually screenwriting. So take advantage of this first-pass script editor to give you notes on your work and suggest areas for redrafting.

  • Bring to life. You can imbue the AI with the features of your characters and engage them in conversation. The AI won’t write them as well as you, but they will add a dimension of reality as you chat with your creations.

  • Challenge assumptions. AIs can provide new points of view, highlight plot holes and free you from pigeonholes you didn't even know you’re in.

  • Suggest alternatives. AIs can generate a range of options for a given scene, so you can pick the best one and move on - no more spending hours in the writer’s room trying to come up with a better idea.

  • Keep it fresh. AIs can suggest ways of subverting expectations and providing new aspects to well told stories. These notes and ideas will help speed up the process of ensuring your writing is always unique and fresh.

  • Remove hassle. Many writers struggle with writing pithy pitches, tasty taglines or even enthusiastic emails to industry executives. Whatever parts of the process you don’t enjoy can be offloaded to AI for a first draft.

The course includes ready-made AI instructions that you can copy and paste in order to use straight away.

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Using AI to help you write fiction

Using AI to create fiction and assist in world-building can be a useful tool because it can help writers generate new ideas, expand upon existing ones, and streamline the writing process. For example, an AI-powered tool could assist with character development by suggesting personality traits and backgrounds based on a writer's input. It could also help with world-building by generating locations, cultures, and history based on a writer's descriptions. Additionally, an AI-powered tool could assist with editing and proofreading, helping writers to catch errors and improve their work. Overall, while AI cannot replace human creativity or storytelling, it can serve as a helpful assistant to writers by providing new ideas, organizing and structuring existing ones, and helping to improve the quality of the final product.

One negative opinion about using AI to write fiction is that it takes away from the human creativity and effort that goes into writing a story. Some people argue that using AI to generate ideas or even entire stories diminishes the value of the work and is akin to "cheating."

However, using AI in this way is not cheating. AI can be used as a tool to assist writers, much like a word processor or grammar checker. It can generate new ideas, help to organize existing ones, and even assist with editing and proofreading. It is ultimately up to the human writer to decide which ideas to use, how to develop them, and how to craft them into a compelling narrative.

Another negative opinion is that AI-generated fiction will lack the nuance, subtlety, and emotional depth that human-generated fiction has. While AI generated stories may not have the same emotional depth as human-generated stories, it is important to note that AI is getting better at understanding and generating human-like emotions, which would make the AI-generated fiction more nuanced and subtle.

Moreover, using AI to generate fiction also has the potential to open up new opportunities for storytelling. For example, AI could be used to generate stories in different languages or to explore new genres. Additionally, AI-generated fiction could be used to create interactive stories or to generate personalized stories for readers.

In conclusion, using AI to write fiction is not cheating. It can be a useful tool to assist writers in generating new ideas, organizing existing ones, and improving the final product. While AI-generated fiction may not have the same emotional depth as human-generated fiction, it has the potential to open up new opportunities for storytelling and to generate new and innovative ways of narrative.

This course will go through how to use the new tools in writing and how it can affect your worlds and books.

Using Midjourney

Using an AI art generator like "midjourney" to illustrate a book or create concept art can have several benefits.

  1. Speed: AI art generators can create images much faster than a human artist, which can be particularly useful if you have a tight deadline or a large number of illustrations to create.

  2. Variety: An AI art generator can create a wide range of styles and variations, allowing you to explore different options and choose the best one for your project.

  3. Cost-effective: Hiring a human artist can be expensive, especially if you need multiple illustrations. An AI art generator can be a cost-effective alternative, especially for indie authors or small publishers with limited budgets.

  4. Unique Style: AI art generators can create unique and different styles which is not possible for human artists to replicate. This can be beneficial to make your book look distinct and stands out in the market.

  5. Concept art: AI art generators can be useful to generate concept art for a game or movie, allowing you to explore different designs and styles quickly and easily.

It's important to note that AI art generators are still in the early stages of development, and the quality of the output may vary. Some AI art generators may not produce art that is of the same quality as that produced by human artists, but as the technology improves, the quality of AI-generated art is also expected to improve.

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Using AI to help you write fiction

Using AI to create fiction and assist in world-building can be a useful tool because it can help writers generate new ideas, expand upon existing ones, and streamline the writing process. For example, an AI-powered tool could assist with character development by suggesting personality traits and backgrounds based on a writer's input. It could also help with world-building by generating locations, cultures, and history based on a writer's descriptions. Additionally, an AI-powered tool could assist with editing and proofreading, helping writers to catch errors and improve their work. Overall, while AI cannot replace human creativity or storytelling, it can serve as a helpful assistant to writers by providing new ideas, organizing and structuring existing ones, and helping to improve the quality of the final product.

One negative opinion about using AI to write fiction is that it takes away from the human creativity and effort that goes into writing a story. Some people argue that using AI to generate ideas or even entire stories diminishes the value of the work and is akin to "cheating."

However, using AI in this way is not cheating. AI can be used as a tool to assist writers, much like a word processor or grammar checker. It can generate new ideas, help to organize existing ones, and even assist with editing and proofreading. It is ultimately up to the human writer to decide which ideas to use, how to develop them, and how to craft them into a compelling narrative.

Another negative opinion is that AI-generated fiction will lack the nuance, subtlety, and emotional depth that human-generated fiction has. While AI generated stories may not have the same emotional depth as human-generated stories, it is important to note that AI is getting better at understanding and generating human-like emotions, which would make the AI-generated fiction more nuanced and subtle.

Moreover, using AI to generate fiction also has the potential to open up new opportunities for storytelling. For example, AI could be used to generate stories in different languages or to explore new genres. Additionally, AI-generated fiction could be used to create interactive stories or to generate personalized stories for readers.

In conclusion, using AI to write fiction is not cheating. It can be a useful tool to assist writers in generating new ideas, organizing existing ones, and improving the final product. While AI-generated fiction may not have the same emotional depth as human-generated fiction, it has the potential to open up new opportunities for storytelling and to generate new and innovative ways of narrative.

This course will go through how to use the new tools in writing and how it can affect your worlds and books.

Using Midjourney

Using an AI art generator like "midjourney" to illustrate a book or create concept art can have several benefits.

  1. Speed: AI art generators can create images much faster than a human artist, which can be particularly useful if you have a tight deadline or a large number of illustrations to create.

  2. Variety: An AI art generator can create a wide range of styles and variations, allowing you to explore different options and choose the best one for your project.

  3. Cost-effective: Hiring a human artist can be expensive, especially if you need multiple illustrations. An AI art generator can be a cost-effective alternative, especially for indie authors or small publishers with limited budgets.

  4. Unique Style: AI art generators can create unique and different styles which is not possible for human artists to replicate. This can be beneficial to make your book look distinct and stands out in the market.

  5. Concept art: AI art generators can be useful to generate concept art for a game or movie, allowing you to explore different designs and styles quickly and easily.

It's important to note that AI art generators are still in the early stages of development, and the quality of the output may vary. Some AI art generators may not produce art that is of the same quality as that produced by human artists, but as the technology improves, the quality of AI-generated art is also expected to improve.











本講座では、適切な問いを発見・設定する力を鍛え、自律した実践をゼロから組み立てる人材を育成する第一歩として、ハーバード大学院オンラインプログラムでも採用されている問いづくりメソッド「Question Formulation Technique(QFT)」を取り入れています。


QFTは、アメリカのNPO団体「The Right Question Institute(RQI)」が開発したメソッドです。



※The Right Question Institute は、クリエイティブコモンズライセンスを通じて、資料を提供しています。非営利目的においては、ご自由にご利用・ご共有いただけます。ただし、下記の文章の通り出典を明記することが必要となります。

「出典: The Right Question Institute (RQI)。 質問づくり( The Question Formulation Technique、QFT) は、RQIが開発した手法です。詳細や資料につきましては、RQIのHPにて公開されていますので、ご覧ください。」

営利目的でのQFTのご利用に関しましては、[email protected]までお問合せいただきますようよろしくお願いいたします。











本講座では、適切な問いを発見・設定する力を鍛え、自律した実践をゼロから組み立てる人材を育成する第一歩として、ハーバード大学院オンラインプログラムでも採用されている問いづくりメソッド「Question Formulation Technique(QFT)」を取り入れています。


QFTは、アメリカのNPO団体「The Right Question Institute(RQI)」が開発したメソッドです。



※The Right Question Institute は、クリエイティブコモンズライセンスを通じて、資料を提供しています。非営利目的においては、ご自由にご利用・ご共有いただけます。ただし、下記の文章の通り出典を明記することが必要となります。

「出典: The Right Question Institute (RQI)。 質問づくり( The Question Formulation Technique、QFT) は、RQIが開発した手法です。詳細や資料につきましては、RQIのHPにて公開されていますので、ご覧ください。」

営利目的でのQFTのご利用に関しましては、[email protected]までお問合せいただきますようよろしくお願いいたします。